We didn’t have the chance to be in Geraldine and Kike’s wedding, but when she wrote us, told us that she want an after wedding session and also wanted some pics in their house with her family. Normally we didn’t take pics in houses due to the lack of light, but their house had a really good light and background. She didn’t have the chance for family pics in their wed and her grandma couldn’t be there and didn’t saw her with her wedding dress. She had a destination wedding and was difficult for her to travel, that’s why she wanted a session. She also took pics with her nana, she took care of her since childhood.
At the beginning it would be a short session in her house and them go to the countryside, but we took more time than expected (really worth it), we got timeless images, that they’d treasure for ever. As we always say: “the photograph, is a family historical legacy”. We couldn’t go to the countryside that why we went to Santa Catalina monastery a beautiful place for taking pictures.
Thanks for everything guys, big hugs to your grandma, we talked a lot with her and love her! we hope to see her again!
With love Hans and Rox